Easy Chicken Soup with a Twist
As I sit here and type out this post I have a pair of slippers on, a hoodie, and my hands are still frozen! My husband is laying out hardwood floors in the kitchen and the doors are open to the cellar. I just can’t seem to keep warm as the chilly 50 degree breeze flows through. A hearty bowl of warm chicken soup is exactly what I need about now.
You see, this past week I had a ton of chicken breast defrosted and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. I decided to pan fry some of the small chunks I cut up and I save the other chunks for what I thought would be chicken salad. I’d pan fry half, and then boil the rest for salad. Then, I thought about it, why not just make chicken soup with all these chunks of chicken? So I cut up some celery, and carrots, and got the broth out.
Plain old boiled chunks of chicken in soup or just no fun for me. I need spice, and LOVE pan-frying my chicken salad, and chicken pot pie chicken chunks…why not do the same for chicken soup? So I got the veggies, and stock prepared, and then added the pan-friend chicken cubes in, and set the stove to simmer. This was just about the easiest chicken soup with a twist.
Since I did have about another pound of chicken in another pan already poached. I figured I’d just add it into my large pan of soup and call it a day. I added a ton of black pepper, and some spices to my soup and was actually excited for dinner. The very first taste of my chicken soup and I was hooked! I loved the added flavor the pan-fried chicken provided. It turned what could be a bland soup into an easy and hearty dinner that would last a few days.
Here is what I used for my large pan of Easy Chicken Soup with a Twist:
- 4 stalks of celery finely chopped
- 1 large white onion diced
- 4 large carrots cut into little circles
- 2 lbs of chunked chicken, pan-fried with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 32 ounces of chicken stock
- 1 cup of water
- salt, pepper, parsley, onion and garlic powder for taste
Pan-fry your chicken until clear juices run free using above spices
Slice and dice veggies
In a large cast iron stock pot add the stock, water, and veggies, and bring to a boil for about 5 minutes
Lower heat and then add in cooked chicken and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes
Veggies should be fork tender but not mushy
Serve with some buttered bread and enjoy on a cold day! This recipe made enough for two dinners, and a lunch!
This week has definitely been chicken soup weather…cold, damp and dreary! I could have gone for a bowl of this tonight!